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Baby Sitting "Chaperon rouge"

Note moyenne: 

Le Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood) will come to help you at home 7 days a week, whenever there is a problem with child care, especially in the following situations:

- Looking after a sick child whose parents work
- Emergency replacement of any Day Care solution temporarily unavailable
- Relieving parents of hospitalised children
- Organising childcare at special events
- Offering a few hours "breathing vouchers" to parents tired, overworked, with no support around them.

Whether it is the arrival of the first baby, or parents getting sick, or parents having to work and leave a sick child, the Red Cross offers support during the crisis. Competent and well trained people will come to your home and take over to get everything back in order as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Téléphone fixe: 
+41.22.304 0482
Route des Acacias 9
1205 Genève