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Treasure-hunt at the Château de Grandson


Sire Pierre of Grandson wishes to celebrate his son Othon's birthday - he gives him one golden coin, hidden within the Castle walls... If Othon finds it, each of his friends will also receive one!

Plan a treasure-hunt birthday party at the Grandson Castle for 5 to 12 year olds. The hero of the day and his faithful accomplices will, with the help of a guide, discover all the secrets of the castle (about an hour's time). Costumes (capes) are available for those who would like to dress up. Parents may add an extra gift to be hidden and found during the treasure-hunt.

We suggest you move to the Banquet Hall or another room of the castle after the treasure hunt and continue the celebration. We ask that parents supply food and drinks. For security purposes, candles or "mini-bombs" are not allowed into the castle. Minimum number of guests is 6, maximum is 15.


Age min.: 
5 years
Age max.: 
12 years
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