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Castel Bowling


How about celebrating your birthday with a bowling party?

Ages 7 on up, with a maximum of 6 players per alley, shoes included. (...)

Drinks to be ordered on location (...)

Tables for snack time are in a room away from the bowling alleys themselves, and several birthday parties can take place at the same time, which means, it will be noisy... Service is not top-notch and you really should have some help with you, especially as only drinks can be bought on location.

You should know that it is possible for you to make a small group reservation in a slightly more private area to the left of the bar (just ask well in advance and insist).

Most kids love bowling and as long as there are enough adults to help supervise, it is really nice. Be careful, depending on the ages of your little guests, as there are lots of nooks and crannies on several floors, which means lots of places to hide for mischievous fun... you may also wish to keep them away from video games showing off scantily cladden pinups, even though they may be particularly curious and pleased to draw them to your attention...wink

Age min.: 
7 years