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"Baby, who are you?" (Brazelton approach)

Texte tiré de la documentation officielle: 

Baby is born and you wish to spend time observing him or her. Perhaps you are wondering whether you understand Baby's needs and are doing a good job. You are going to discover that Baby, even before speech, has a lot of things to say. Understanding Baby's communicating ways will help you care for him or her while developing a harmonious relationship right from the start.

You would like to better understand Baby's cries, language and needs (feedings, sucking reflex, habituation, asleep/awake states), quality of alertness, character, Baby's personal way of interacting with the environment. These meetings take place at Baby's pace and based on Brazelton's Neonatal Behavioural Assessment Scale, under the guidance and supervision of a psychologist trained in neonatal care.

Tailored for parents and newborns (0 to 3 months).

Aides et liens utiles
Activités parent-bébé
Lieu où les bébés sont bien accueillis