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Researchers' Night

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On Friday, 28 September 2018, budding scientistsand physics fans of all ages will come together for Researchers’ Night at CERN, a free and fun bilingual event.

This is the ninth year that the world's largest particle physics laboratory has opened its doors to the public for this great European celebration of science. An excellent opportunity to share amazing scientific innovations and put on quite a show!

The program is ready! Come and discover the CERN behind the scenes through robotics and cloud chambers workshops, visits of the Synchrocyclotron, physics shows, science films... Don't miss the highlight of the evening, the screening of "Almost Nothing: CERN Experimental City" in the presence of the director!

28.09.2018 - 15:00 to 21:00
Age min.: 
7 years

Recommended age: 12 and upwards for the cloud chamber workshop, 7 and upwards for the robotics workshop and other activities.

Free entry - no registration required.
