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Maerli Pinte Restaurant

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"Märlipinte", another genre of family restaurant celebrates dream-inspiring gastronomy.

A family restaurant from a different generation, a culinary establishment worthy of a fairy-tale where parents can dream and children be children, living gastronomy that comes straight from the heart as well as two floors of games for our younger guests.

This is a restaurant where children are not just welcomed but treated regally!! It is also very practical as only 5 minutes away from Papiliorama.


Restaurant Maerli Pinte

« Märlipinte », l’autre genre de restaurant familial, célèbre la gastronomie rêveuse.

Restaurant familial d’une autre génération
Etablissement culinaire digne d’un conte de fées
L’endroit où les parents peuvent rêver et les enfants rester enfants
Une gastronomie vivante qui vient du cœur
2 étages d’offres de jeux pour nos petits hôtes

Le restaurant où les enfants sont rois!

Main phone: 
+41.31.755 5115
Fräschelsgasse 9
3210 Kerzers
Cafés & restaurants