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"Alice in Wonderland"

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Texte tiré de la documentation officielle: 

A family musical show inspired by one of the most fantastic and full of fantasy tales. The Radouga theater studio of Strasbourg has prepared the following programme:

- Musical show for children (with some words in Russian but easily understood by everyone)
- Interaction with the public
- Lottery
- Drawings' competition
- Disco dance with live music and all of the show's characters
- A surprise for all Alices!
- And much more...

HappyKid comment: 

Not by chance did Irina choose to stage this story rather than another one:  her second HappyDaughter is called "Alice".  All other Alices will also be celebrated in the show.  

The concept of the show is interesting:  not only are children invited to make a drawing inspired by Alice's story at home and the best drawings will be rewarded, but the show will be partly in Russian, the children will often be asked to take part in the play and they will be able to dance with all the characters in a live disco at the end!

The show will also be held in Geneva on Sunday, April 14 (the 4 pm show is fully booked).

There are 5 free tickets for HappyKidClub members for both the Geneva and the Lausanne shows, be the first to email and off you'll go to Wonderland!

13.04.2013 - 15:00 to 16:00
Age min.: 
2 years