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Bakery workshop

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New discovery for the October holidays.  From either Wednesday 17 to Saturday 20 or Wednesday 24 to Saturday 27, October 2012.

Each child will get the opportunity to shape his own bread, and either take it back home or eat it fresh form the oven. The baker will adapt technique and practical difficulty according to the age of the children.

Workshops: 11 am, 1:20 pm or 2 pm - Duration: 40 minutes + baking time - Price: CHF 4. - per person - Children must be 4 or older - Registration required..

Weigh the flour, knead the dough, shape it as you like, smell the fresh bread out of the oven ... and then enjoy! Mmmmmmhhh!

These workshops initiate young Chefs to the pleasure of baking at Signal de Bougy.  After the workshop feel free to enjoy the surroundings: nature, playground, animals...


Inscriptions au +41.22.58 568 31 50


Parc Pré-Vert du Signal de Bougy

Téléphone fixe: 
+41.21.821 5930
Signal de Bougy
1172 Bougy-Villars (VD)
Cours et recettes pour Petits Chefs